Brewer High School is a public school located in BREWER, ME. It has 731 students in grades 9-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 16 to 1. According to state test scores, 92% of students are at least proficient in math and 92% in reading. Brewer High School has celebrated 30 State Championships across Class "A" and Class "B" competition offered through the Maine Principals’ Association and has offered at one time or another 24 different interscholastic activities to students throughout the years. Currently, Brewer High School offers 23 interscholastic varsity activities to the student body.
State Championships The first Brewer Witches State Championship was in 1953, when the Brewer High School Football team was named State Champion of Class "L" Football. The 1953 team (along with the state champion 1957 football team) were inducted into the Brewer Athletic Hall of Fame in 2018.
The most recent State Championship was in March of 2023 when the Boys Basketball team earned the Gold Ball.